极少人真正热爱生活,害怕变化就是证明。希望变动最小的,除了居所,就是思想了。坐下来就不想动了。由自己的性子摆设周围,把一切都装饰得同自己极为相像,避免同自己唱反调;这就是一面镜子、一种自备的赞同。人在这种环境里,就不再生活,只是因循守旧。跟您说吧,极少人真正热爱生活。——安德烈•纪德《纪德日记》March 10, 2018via web
The Communist Party of China Central Committee proposed to remove the expression that the President and Vice-President of the People's Republic of China "shall serve no more than two consecutive terms" from the country's Constitution.February 25, 2018via web
Protonmail 的短域名后缀 @pm.me 即将上线,成千上万的用户翘首以盼,等到的却是“Only paid accounts, however, will be able to send email from their short domain address”,小气鬼的气质油然而生。February 16, 2018via tasker